How to Pronounce the Word Attorney

attorney how to pronounce

If you are an attorney, you may have been wondering about the best way to pronounce your name. In fact, there are several different ways to say your name. It is important to know how to pronounce your name, especially if you plan on filing for bankruptcy.

American English

There are several ways that you can pronounce the word attorney. For starters, it can be broken into the sounds UH+TUR+NEE. If you want to get fancy, you can also try using esq and vocare. Esq is short for esquire, and vocare comes from vox voice. But, if you are a beginner, you might have trouble figuring out these differences. It’s a good idea to practice your pronunciation so that you know how it sounds before you use it in real life.

When you are practicing, try recording yourself so that you can mark mistakes you make. This will help you improve your pronunciation and learn more about how words are pronounced in American English. In fact, if you do this enough, you can even start to memorize the pronunciations!


An attorney is a person who provides legal services, usually as an agent. There are various types of attorneys. They include an attorney-in-fact, a personal representative, an attorney-at-law, a forensic attorney, and an accountant. Each of these types of attorneys is specialized. In general, they have specific powers and duties that are granted to them by their clients. The term ‘agent’ is also used to describe someone who does not practice law.

In the United States, the US Attorney General is the highest-ranking government official who has the power to prosecute or impose penalties for crimes. Jane Reno served as the Attorney General under Bill Clinton. Other federal officials include the Secretary of State, the secretary of the Treasury, the Surgeon General, and the head of the Federal Reserve.